Shortly about our guest of honour:
Peter Morello is associate professor and teaches broadcast and online journalism for the department. He also produces documentaries as contributing correspondent for Kansas City Public Television (KCPT-19.) Two of his most recent documentaries have won national awards. Before joining UMKC in 1999, Peter spent 14 years in Europe as a producer and special correspondent for the PBS program European Journal. He covered the emerging democracies of eastern and central Europe, the breakup of the Soviet Union, war in Bosnia and famine relief efforts in Somalia. He started his career in broadcast journalism as a general assignment reporter for a CBS Network affiliate in Colorado. Peter, along with his co-author at Columbia University, is currently working on a textbook «News writing for Television and the Interactive New Media.» Peter's hobbies include scuba diving and other water sports.

Peter had classes the whole day, so he has answered the questions after 19 pm.
Комментарии (64)
Петр Morello — доцент, трансляция и новая журналистика СМИ Университет Миссури, Канзас-Сити, департамент коммуникативных исследований.
Коротко о нашей почетного гостя:
Петр Морелло является ассоциированным профессором и преподает трансляции и онлайн-журналистики в департамент. Он также занимается производством документальных фильмов как вклад корреспондент Канзас-Сити Общественного телевидения (KCPT-19.) Два его последних документальных получили государственные награды. До прихода в UMKC в 1999 году, Питер провел 14 лет в Европе, как производитель и специальный корреспондент программы PBS European Journal. Он закрыл новых демократий Центральной и Восточной Европы, распада Советского Союза, война в Боснии и усилия помощи голодающим в Сомали. Он начал свою карьеру в эфире журналистики как общего назначения для репортера партнерской сети CBS в Колорадо. Петр, вместе со своим соавтором в Колумбийском университете, в настоящее время работает над учебником «Новости писать для телевидения и интерактивных Новые медиа». увлечений Петра включают подводное плавание и другие водные виды спорта.
Вы можете оставить свои вопросы для нашего гостя. Петр будут занятия целый день, так что он будет отвечать на вопросы после 19 вечера. Добро пожаловать!
What do you think about Russia and our politics?
Is it true that 50% of Americans believe the war in 1945 won the America?
Do you have freedom of speech or is it just fiction?
For what purpose have come to us?
Do you like the policies pursued by Obama?
Freedom of Speech in America is real. It is protected by the Constitution. No government can make laws restricting this without changing the Constitution.
Obama was very popular when he was first elected, but was weakened by the economic crisis which hit our country in 2008. There is much opposition to his policies, but I believe he will be re-elected
Does it have a future or it will be absorbed by America?
No country can absorb Russia. You know from your own history that other countries have tried and have failed.
Some of the reporting I did was dangerous, but it is the career I choose. I didn't look for danger and I didn't like war. I covered areas Americans knew little about. What I wanted to do was something meaningful. There are many professions like that. I know many people who work very hard everyday for their families...that is meaningful.
I was also witness to great acts of courage...those who fought to bring democracy to Russia, those who rescued people from starvation in Somalia and those who used peaceful means to end war.
I read that you was in Bosnia during the war. Have you ever provided to US people Serbian`s point of view what happened in Srebrenica? Why Hague tribunal consider (in most of cases 99% -?) only Serbs as military criminals? Why they did not give a proper medical treatment to Slobodan Miloshevish?
Looking forward for your comments, then we can continue communication.
Best regards,
I did not cover the trials in the Hague, but I do know most, not all, of the atrocities were committed in Bosnia. I know what it was like in Sarajevo. I saw the sniper fire and the bombings.
But you can not say for sure who was open fire. Bosnians were (and they are) great provocateurs.
War is dirty thing.
1. Tell me, why do you love your profession of journalism and why hate?
2. The rivalry between the Soviet Union and the USA have given people around the world, the Internet and mobile communications that can be expected from the collaboration?
Thank you!
The USA and Russia are two large and highly developed nations. The rivalry after the Second World War hurt both countries. There are more similarites between Russia and the United States than many realize. I believe relations will grow stronger.
1. Have you ever had to go into a deal with his conscience and produce films are not pleasing to you?
2. You do not have to rent or to comment on the materials of the military conflict between Georgia and Russia? What do you think about this conflict?
P.S. Thank you google for the translation. Naive to hope that in this translation there are no errors… :)
Americans really don't know much about the conflict in Georgia. I can't pretend to understand the complexities of this conflict. When I look at it from a distance, I do ask myself...why Russia, such a large nation, cannot workout an agreement with Georgia, a very small country.
What Americans think about the Russian?
For example, in Russia, many people think that:
— Americans eat only fast food;
— Only a doctor prescribes medication (we can also buy in almost any drugstore);
— you have true choices and live in the U.S. well. :)
Thanks for the replies. Best regards, Julia
— all Russians are drunkards
— extremlly cold all the year round :-)
In Soviet period I remember bears on the street with balalaika :-)
Most Americans know Russia is a huge country and many think it's cold most of the time. You are great in hockey, science, ballet and chess. We beat the pants off of you in baseball and video games. LOL
My family enjoy to play video games. We have xbox 360 + Kinect :-)
1. What do you think about WikiLeaks project?
2. Do you believe that Osama bin Laden is dead? If yes, was he killed one week ago or much earlier (in your opinion)?
3. Did you try to drive russian car (made in Togliatti)? If yes, did you enjoy?))
Thank you.
2. I think Osama bin Laden is dead. Think of the logic of it...Most of the time the US military prefers to bomb a target until it looks like the face of the Moon. The military, ordered by President Obama, sent special forces to capture or kill him. They wanted to be sure.
Tell us about the most exiting adventure in your journalists experience, pls.
Thank you.
Вот короткая информация о нем, предоставленная Отделом Международных программ ТГУ на русском языке:
Питер Франсиз Морелло
Место работы: кафедра «Технологии Коммуникации», университет Миссури, Канзас Сити, США.
Основная дисциплина: Коммуникации и Журнализм.
Специализация: Тележурнализм
Дополнительные дисциплины: Журнализм новой меди, Радио и Телевещание, Этика Журналистики.
Опыт работы:
1983-1998- корреспондент PBS (Служба общественного вещания): освещение многообразных тем и политических событий включая: процесс возникновения демократии в Центральной и Восточной Европе, распад СССР, различные репортажи из постсоветских республик: Латвия, Литва, Эстония, Беларусь, Грузия и Узбекистан, освещение войны в Боснии и в других частях бывшей Югославии и репортаж о кампании, предпринятой ООН по устранению массового голода в Сомали.
1999- до настоящего времени- доцент кафедры «Технологии Коммуникации» Университет Миссури.
2008-2009- ведущий специалист программы «Фулбрайт» кафедры «Журналистика» университета Аддис Абаба, Эфиопия.
2010 — Самый последний проект специалиста – освещение последствий землетрясения на Гаити.
This is good idea to invite native English speaker. Even we are trying to improve our launguage during this «duty»:-)
1) Do you know, that a lot of Togliatti journalists were killed in 1990-s and early 2000-s? What do you think about these murders?
What can you answer to these conspiracy guys?
If not, what are your words (3 or more) that can be used to describe Russua?
It's hard to describe any country in three words… but if I had to try it might be hospitality, friendliness and maybe potholes...lot's of potholes.
I can say you know at least 50% of Russia with these knowledge. :)
1.what is your favourite reading?
2.What is actual reading in US now?
3.What kind of books you prefer: paper or e-books?
4.Where you purchase mostly: in the stores (shops?) or via internet?
5.Do you like movies by Kohen brothers?
6.Are their films popular in US?
Thank you.
1) Do you feel yourself thankful to your government for giving you good journalist fields of action like war in Bosnia?
2) You said, that your hobby is diving. Did you ever dive when you were out of USA and on your job, did you dive in Eastern Europe when Warshaw pact felt, or in Bosnia, during the war in former Yougoslavia?
I really do like to Scuba dive. I learned when I lived in Florida. Most of the time, I will go to the Carribean (when I can afford it!) I especially like watching fish or other sea life up close. I have also explored wrecked ships. I love the peacefulness and quiet that often doesn't exist on land.
1. Do you have friends in Russia? If yes, then who are they?
2. How do you feel about the various social networks in the Internet? Are there too many times people, especially children, began to spend on the Internet?
Social networking is good if it doesn't replace true friendship. Like everything else, there has to be balance and self-control when it comes to the Internet. It can be a great learning tool or a great waste of time. It depends on the person.
In the end of today's communications I'd say «American journalist is the best friend of Russian journalist! Peace, friendship, buble gum!» :). Peter, you are welcome in Togliatty and on TltTimes.ru forever! With best regards, Max.
And now, let me to invite the next guest.
Thank you Peter as well for diplomatic answers )))
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